5 research outputs found

    Development of a Conceptual, Mathematical and Model of System Dynamics for Landfill Water Treatment

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    Leachate is a major problem in landfills due to the type and amount of pollutants. In Croatia, the usual way of handling leachate is recirculation back to the landfill body. However, this method poses a danger of their leakage into the environment, especially during periods of increased precipitation. Leachate is heavily polluted with organic matter, and its spillage into the environment can cause environmental incident. This paper presents a model for efficient treatment of landfill water contaminated with organic matter, based on the operating parameters of the actual water treatment system. The aim of this scientific research is to develop a model for landfill water treatment and to design a methodology suitable for significant patterns of organic matter pollution behaviour. The developed conceptual model is a computer-based model that uses randomly selected values from the theoretical probability distribution of the applied variables. The mathematical model is based on a system of differential equations solved by the Runge-Kutta method. To validate the model, a nonparametric test was applied, given that the distributions are asymmetric non-Gaussian distributions. The methodology proposed in this paper is based on simulation modelling as a useful method in environmental protection. The developed and validated model has proven that landfill water can be effectively and economically purified. Simulation modelling and environmental informatics can effectively contribute to solving environmental problems on the computer without unnecessary risk to the environment

    Cinemetrics of environmental educational video materials according to the analysis of the use of color and frame length

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    In the era of social media and the dominance of video-based social media sites such as TikTok, short educational movies could serve as a powerful tool for the apprehension of environmental problems and the promotion of effective protection practices. According to System Theory, educational video can be observed as a complex system of various patterns of visual and acoustic codes that can be quantified and presented in the form of Ishikawa diagrams. Through the analysis of an award-winning educational short movie on environmental protection, this paper presents the development of models for educational movie production by combining theoretical concepts of message composition from communication theory with technical enhancements based on cinemetrics, psychophysiology and statistical methods derived from the simulation modeling. Analysis of the two technical characteristics of the movie: shot length and distribution of Red-Green-Blue color spectrum confirms explicated theoretical assumptions. Statistical analysis shows that technical transition points (represented by color equilibrium and inverse Gaussian distribution of shot length) correspond to the movie narration, color enhancements (peaks) are consistent with the elements of storytelling, and color patterns in the movie follow psychophysiological assumptions of the meaning of color, amplifying anticipated viewers response through unique distribution for each of the analyzed colors. Considering the acceleration of content production and the rising lack of focus of modern media consumers, the findings presented in this paper offer a useful tool for the development and production of educational and environmental video materials, its systematization, optimization, capacity to clarify complex environmental subjects and engage the various public

    Modeling for the analysis of the investment potential of the construction sector

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    The purpose of the article is to develop a methodology for determining the need for the amount of investment resources needed to build the investment potential (IP) of the construction sector. The methodology is found in economic and mathematical modelling. We developed a model for the analysis of the investment potential of the construction sector (IPCS) by selecting the three-factor Cobb-Douglas production function for the IPCS study and by constructing a functional dependence from the collected statistical information, which allowed us to analyse the effect of changing the value of one of the selected factors on the resulting factor. The paper shows that market participants can use the proposed methodology to determine the factors that influence the improvement of IPCS, the degree of their influence and the determination of the values necessary to achieve a given level of investment potential

    Development of an Ishikawa diagram for the occurrence of extremely high sea levels

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    A little more than 10,000 years ago, the so-called ice age, with the average temperature of the Earth about 10°lower than today. After the ice age, there was an increase in temperature and the melting of glaciers, and in the last 1,000 years the temperature trend has been slightly negative. The exception is the last 100 years, when there is a sudden increase in air temperature due to the increased emission of greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. The increase in temperature in the last hundred years was about 1°. Of co urse, these changes have an impact on the dynamics of the ocean, and a particular problem is the global rise in sea level. In the paper, an Ishikawa diagram was developed that analyzes the impacts of sea level rise. As the main causes of sea level change, both in time and in space, are included: tidal oscillations, meteorologically caused sea level changes, and changes on a seasonal and multi-year time scale. Each of these main causes is explained and sub-causes are found using the laws of physical chemistry and thermodynamics. Sub-causes have been identified that can be influenced most easily and quickly, acting preventively to save densely populated areas

    Point Cloud Subjective Evaluation Methodology based on 2D Rendering

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    Point clouds are one of the most promising technologies for 3D content representation. In this paper, we describe a study on quality assessment of point clouds, degraded by octree-based compression on different levels. The test contents were displayed using Screened Poisson surface reconstruction, without including any textural information, and they were rated by subjects in a passive way, using a 2D image sequence. Subjective evaluations were performed in five independent laboratories in different countries, with the inter-laboratory correlation analysis showing no statistical differences, despite the different equipment employed. Benchmarking results reveal that the state-of-the-art point cloud objective metrics are not able to accurately predict the expected visual quality of such test contents. Moreover, the subjective scores collected from this experiment were found to be poorly correlated with subjective scores obtained from another test involving visualization of raw point clouds. These results suggest the need for further investigations on adequate point cloud representations and objective quality assessment tools